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Neuro Class

Experience how its like to be in an environment where you are exercising with a group of people with similar needs. Try the Saebo Reach, Saebo Flex, and Electromyograph Triggered Stimulator to selectively target weakened muscle groups for strengthening.

You can also try Music Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acupuncture to address associated problems of Stroke and Brain Injury like anxiety, fear, anger, difficulty relaxing, and even depression.

Also experience the Neurodelopmental Techniques where your therapist will bring you back to the stages of how your brain gain control of your body from birth – proven techniques of retraining control of your body after stroke or brain injury. Other treatment experience will be the SGNP AMC Techniques where your abilities are progressively challenged in order to bring about more functional recovery.

"At Stroke & Brain Injury Specialist Services UK Neuro Class, progress in functional abilities are always possible and maintained at a sustainable level - a 'must be' for all Stroke and Brain Injury patients"

The Neuro Class includes twice monthly home visit by a Qualified Therapist where an individualised assessment of the patient’s needs can be done on a regular basis and to make sure that the patient is looked after individually as well as in a group.

Stroke & Brain Injury Specialist Services UK